Thoracic Cancer Helsinn ANAM-17-20
Multicenter, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of anamorelin HCl. Approximately 316 patients with advanced NSCLC with cachexia will be randomized 1:1 to anamorelin HCl 100 mg or placebo, taken orally once daily (QD) for a total of 24 weeks. Patients will be instructed to take the study drug at least 1 hour before their first meal of the day
Eligibility Criteria:
- Documented histologic or cytologic diagnosis of American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) Stage III or IV NSCLC. Stage III patient must have unresectable disease
- Body mass index < 20 kg/m2 with involuntary weight loss of >2% within 6 months prior to screening
- Ongoing problems with appetite/eating associated with the underlying cancer, as determined by having score of ≤ 17 points on the 5-item Anorexia Symptom Scale and ≤ 37 points on the 12-item FAACT A/CS
- Patient receiving or not receiving systemic anti-cancer treatment at the time of screening are eligible to participate. Systemic anti-cancer treatment includes first, second, third treatment line with chemotherapy/radiation therapy, immunotherapy or targeted therapy.
Patient not receiving systemic anti-cancer treatment is eligible if:
- Not planning to receive anti-cancer treatment and/or at least 14 days must be elapsed from the completion of prior treatment at the day of screening, in case underwent previous cycle OR
- Planning to receive anti-cancer treatment within 14 days from randomization and/or at least 14 days must be elapsed from the completion of prior treatment at the day of screening, in case underwent previous cycle OR
- Patient on palliative care treatment
This study is for patients age 18 and older.
Available at: Hospital of Central Connecticut