Thoracic Cancer Helsinn ANAM-17-20

Multicenter, randomized, double-blind, parallel-group, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of anamorelin HCl. Approximately 316 patients with advanced NSCLC with cachexia will be randomized 1:1 to anamorelin HCl 100 mg or placebo, taken orally once daily (QD) for a total of 24 weeks. Patients will be instructed to take the study drug at least 1 hour before their first meal of the day

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Documented histologic or cytologic diagnosis of American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) Stage III or IV NSCLC. Stage III patient must have unresectable disease
  2. Body mass index < 20 kg/m2 with involuntary weight loss of >2% within 6 months prior to screening
  3. Ongoing problems with appetite/eating associated with the underlying cancer, as determined by having score of ≤ 17 points on the 5-item Anorexia Symptom Scale and ≤ 37 points on the 12-item FAACT A/CS
  4. Patient receiving or not receiving systemic anti-cancer treatment at the time of screening are eligible to participate. Systemic anti-cancer treatment includes first, second, third treatment line with chemotherapy/radiation therapy, immunotherapy or targeted therapy.

Patient not receiving systemic anti-cancer treatment is eligible if:

    1. Not planning to receive anti-cancer treatment and/or at least 14 days must be elapsed from the completion of prior treatment at the day of screening, in case underwent previous cycle OR
    2. Planning to receive anti-cancer treatment within 14 days from randomization and/or at least 14 days must be elapsed from the completion of prior treatment at the day of screening, in case underwent previous cycle OR
    3. Patient on palliative care treatment

This study is for patients age 18 and older.

Available at: Hospital of Central Connecticut

Cancer Clinical Research Office