Head/Neck Cancer 15-245

January 03, 2017

Sponsor: Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center

Number: 15-245
The treatment of head and neck cancers can sometimes leave survivors with problems such as dry mouth, difficulty swallowing, or other long-term side effects that may affect their quality of life. Researchers are interested in learning more about how survivors of head and neck cancers feel after their treatment is completed. Memorial Sloan Kettering has created a survivors' self-assessment tool for this purpose called "HN-STAR."

In this study, researchers are asking survivors of head and neck cancers to use a web-based tool to report their symptoms and report their experience with this method of communication. The responses from the patient assessment are used to develop an individualized appointment with a cancer survivorship nurse practitioner who will give personalized recommendations. The responses from the assessment and clinic visit will automatically generate a survivorship care plan. The study assesses the feasibility of this process in clinical practice and assesses the patients and providers experience with this novel tool.

Who’s eligible: Participants in this study include people who were treated for head and neck cancer at least one year before entering the study and have no evidence of disease. Participants must be age 18 or older and be able to speak and read English.

Available at: Hartford Hospital
