You will join the virtual health visit via their MyChartPLUS portal or via a Direct join email.
1. When you login into your MyChartPLUS portal, find your video visit and click Begin visit.
2. The Join video visit button is available up to 30 minutes before to 90 minutes after the scheduled visit
time. Click Join video visit to begin.
Direct Join Email. The notification will say MyChartPLUS – even if you do not have a MyChart
account. Click the hyperlink to begin the visit.
3. If the you join the visit outside the 30 minutes prior to visit and 90 minutes after the scheduled visit
time, the “Join video visit” button will not be available, but you may test the hardware.
4. After joining the video visit, you will be placed in the virtual waiting room.
5. Click the Leave Call (top Right) when the visit is complete.