1002 Matches Found

On Site: Chair yoga for survivors

Registration Closed

A gentle seated yoga class led by a certified Y4C yoga instructor. Please wear comfortable clothing. Registration and oncologist's note…


4:00PM – 5:00PM
Hartford HealthCare Cancer Inst at HOCC - Conf Rm A&B

On Site: Yoga for Survivors

Registration Open

Start here to reserve your spot. Join Denise Eldridge, certified yoga instructor as she guides you through every move. Yoga is a gentle and…


4:30PM – 5:30PM
MidState Family Health Center - Conference Center 2 &3

Webinar: Making the Most of Medicare's Open Enrollment Period

Registration Open

In this FREE webinar, join Sara Mitchell, Medicare Educator, to learn about your opportunity to make a Medicare Advantage plan change…


5:00PM – 6:00PM
Virtual Class

Webinar: Cataract surgery and retinal diseases

Registration Open

Join us for a FREE webinar to learn more about cataract surgery when you also have other retinal eye diseases. Hartford Hospital Eye…


5:00PM – 6:00PM
Virtual Class

Webinar: High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU): The latest breakthrough for tremors

Registration Open

Join us in a free webinar to learn more about High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU), the latest technological breakthrough for Tremor…


6:00PM – 7:00PM
Virtual Class

On Site: Zentangle and Lettering

Registration Open

Zentangle is a method of creating abstract art through structured patterns. In this community-arts workshop, participants will be guided…


9:00AM – 12:00PM
Hartford HealthCare Cancer Inst at HOCC - Conf Rm A&B

On Site: Birth, Baby and Beyond

Registration Open

This class is for expecting parents who are short on time but still want to feel prepared for childbirth and beyond! This "boot camp" style…


9:00AM – 3:00PM
Hartford Hospital Wellness Center at Blue Back Square

Seminario educativo en español para la pérdida de peso quirúrgico

Registration Open

En este seminario pregrabacion GRATUITO, únase a la Dra. Mia Shapiro y el Dr. Raza Shariff para obtener más información sobre el proceso…


12:00AM – 12:00AM
Virtual Class

Understanding Your Newborn eClass

Registration Open

Congratulations on your growing family! Since newborns don't come with an owner's manual, consider the Understanding Your Newborn eClass…


12:00AM – 12:00AM
Hartford HealthCare

Understanding Birth eClass - HHC

Registration Open

This class is offered with your convenience in mind - you can take this class from the comfort of your own home based on your and your…


12:00AM – 12:00AM
Hartford HealthCare
